There is an ever-growing awarness of the importance of looking after ourselves on all levels - Body , mind and spirit. With this awarness we look to better ways of creating the healthy body, mind and lives we all want. Perhaps this is why in recent years there is an increase in the popularity of Pilates.
Pilates was developed in the 1920's by Joseph Pilates and was one of the first exercise programs in the West to take a holistic approach to fitness and well-being. Pilates is a technique that offers a unique method of body control and conditioning. This technique lengthens and strengthens our muscles while improving flexibility , balance and posture.Although Joseph Pilates was born in a different era, he still understood the physical and mental pressures of a busy schedule. He believed his method would propel people to become more productive , both physically and mentally. This is the reason that the matt work is designed to fit into the physical and time constraints of the individual without reducing the advantages of The Pilates Method.
Pilates is an invaluable system that works marvellously in conjunction with other exercise programs , by improving our body awarness we reduce the possibility of injury or strain while performing our regular exercise routines. With regular Plates practice we are able to recognise our strengths and weaknesses, thereby being able to work towards rebalancing our bodies. The focus in Pilates is primarily to strengthen the "Core" or "Powerhouse" region. This means using the abdominal muscles to controll the movements. In many other forms of strength building exercises the goal is to develop the limbs themselves. In Pilates we work to stretch and lengthen the muscles, allowing the body to become stronger and fimer, without adding the bulk.
We also learn to focus on training the mind and body to work together in order to achieve our overall goal of fitness. Another important factor in teaching our minds and bodies to work together is by using Visual Imagery. Using visual images to engage your mind , you are able to sub-consciously call upon your muscles without needing to have the technical knowledge of muscles and their functions. By telling yourself to "sit up tall as if your head was being pulled toward the ceiling by a rope." , you are presenting your mind and body with a challange that works to unify them in their efforts to achieve your goals.
To really benefit from the Pilates technique it is essential to master the movements and to commit to a regular practice routine. It is als important to examine your current life-style and make changes where necassary. Make sure you get enough rest and eat a healthy diet as well as maintaining your level of fitness and well-being. Reduce stress and keep a positive outlook on life.
"Sound body, sound mind." - Joseph Pilates
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